
Council & Government

Council and Government

The County of Forty Mile No. 8 is governed by a Reeve and six councillors.  All members of Council are elected from the County in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act.  Members of Council serve for a period of four (4) years commencing from the organizational meeting held in October following a general election. The Council develops policies, adopts bylaws or resolutions based on these policies and then ensures that they are executed by the administration. The Municipal Government Act provides that Council can only exercise their power of the municipal corporation in the proper form, either by bylaw or resolution passed at a regular or special meeting when a quorum is present and that all these decisions must be made in public. It is important to recognize that the members of Council cannot make valid and binding decisions separately, even though there is unanimous agreement. They must give a collective judgement as a group and not as individuals.

If the Reeve is not available for any reason, a Deputy Reeve is appointed to act on his behalf. If the Deputy Reeve is not available, an Acting Reeve is appointed.

Council meetings are normally held in Council Chambers at the main Administration building in Foremost on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month starting at 9:00 a.m.  All members of the public are welcome to attend.  If you wish to make a representation to Council, you should request to do so in writing or by phoning the office at least 7 business days prior to the meeting.








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