Planning and Development

Planning and Development

  • About Planning & Development

    The Development Officer and Planning Advisor provide fairness and a straight forward experience for our stakeholders when processing subdivision applications or development applications. County staff provide guidance and information on By-Laws, Plans and Policies so that residents will be able to make informed choices. Our staff are knowledgeable in matters of permits, zoning, surveying, property lines, future development plans for specific areas, access to properties, and various bylaws regarding land usage.

    The Municipal Development Plan addresses future land use within the County, manner of and proposals for future development, co-ordination with other Municipalities and transportation within the County.   Land use within the County is directed by this document, and the Land Use Bylaw 10/2009 is consistent with this plan.

    The Municipal Government Act requires that every municipality must pass a Land Use By-Law.  According to the Act, County Council must divide the County into districts, outline uses permitted and discretionary in those districts, and establish a method of making decisions and issuing permits.  If a party wishes to change the currently designated land use district of a parcel of land to accomodate a new subdivision or development not allowed in the current district, an Amendment to the Land Use By-Law  can be made to request Council to change the district.

    If a landowner wishes to subdivide their property into smaller parcels or combine several smaller parcels into one, subdivision is required.  The Municipal Development Plan protects agricultural land by discouraging subdivision of agricultural land into smaller parcels except to create a more viable farming unit or where there are physical barriers such as waterways.

    Following the issuance of a Development Permit, many developments require a Building, Plumbing, Gas or Electrical or other Alberta Safety Codes Permit.

    An Application for Development must be made for any Development not specifically excluded in the Land Use By-Law.  For any Development within the County of Forty Mile No. 8 please contact Development Officer Nathan Ogden for information or assistance regarding the required permits.

    Phone: (403) 867-3530

    Fax: (403) 867-2242

  • Development Approval Process and Forms

    The County of Forty Mile requires a permit for almost all types of development.

    According to the Municipal Government Act – Part 17 – Section “development” means

    • an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them,
    • a building or an addition to or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing of any of them on, in, over or under land,
    • a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or
    • a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building.

    A summary of the Land Use By-Law sets out a few types of development that do not require a permit (please consult the Land Use By-Law for the actual wording):

    • the cultivation or grazing of land
    • development of haystacks, portable granaries, and permanent farm buildings under 45 square metres (500 square feet) which comply with established setbacks;*
    • maintenance and repair to a building which does not change the building envelope;
    • the erection, construction, or maintenance of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure less than 2 metres in height, provided it does not contravene any other portion of the By-Law;
    • the use, erection or construction of temporary buildings used for a development authorized by a development permit for the period of construction as shown on your development application;
    • public utilities on a public utility easement
    • a temporary polling station or temporary campaign headquarters for a Federal, Provincial or Municipal referendum or election

    * permanent granaries and granaries on concrete foundations require a permit.

    Application for Development

  • Subdivision Approval Process and Forms

    Generally, an application for subdivision goes through the following steps:

    • Submission of a completed application with the required fee.  The application form can be found at
    • Referral to internal municipal staff and departments, school divisions, utility companies, and government departments, among other agencies for comment.
    • Notification of subdivision application to adjacent landowners and receipt of input.
    • Decision (tentative approval, tentative approval with conditions, or refusal), normally within 60 days.  This occurs when the County Planning Advisor prepares a recommendation and submits it to the County. The Planning Advisor will then take it to the next Municipal Planning Commission Meeting.
    • Appeal period (19 days) – potential appeal to Subdivision and Development Appeal Board or Municipal Government Board by applicant or provincial agency – not by neighbors.
    • Fulfillment of any conditions specified in the decision.
    • Submission of a Descriptive Plan, Plan of Survey, or other instrument to the County Planning Advisor, together with the required fee for endorsement (final approval).
    • Registration of the Plan or document at the Alberta Land Titles Office.

    Application for Sub-division

    Sub-division Requirements

  • Current Plans and Planning Documents

    The following are a list of current County planning documents.


    South Saskatchewan Regional Plan

    InterMunicipal Development Plans 

    • County of Forty Mile and MD of Taber
    • County of Forty Mile and Cypress County
    • County of Forty Mile and County of Warner
    • County of Forty Mile and Town of Bow Island
    • County of Forty Mile and Village of Foremost

    InterMunicipal Collaboration Frameworks 

    • County of Forty Mile and MD of Taber
    • County of Forty Mile and Cypress County
    • County of Forty Mile and County of Warner
    • County of Forty Mile and Town of Bow Island
    • County of Forty Mile and Village of Foremost

    Municipal Planning Documents

    Statutory Plans 

    Other Plans 

  • Land Use Bylaw

  • Issued Development Permits

    No Issued Development Permits at this time.

  • Planning and Development Forms and Information

  • Obtaining Alberta Safety Codes (Building) Permits

    A building permit allows construction of buildings or structure to proceed on condition of compliance with the Alberta Building Code which addresses building and fire safety. A building permit is required for the construction, alteration, repair, relocation, demolition, or change of use of a building. Farm accessory buildings, and non-hazardous accessory buildings under 100 square feet (10m2), are exempt.

    There are permit requirements for the following disciplines:

    • Building
    • Electrical
    • Fire (Petroleum Tanks only)
    • Gas
    • Plumbing
    • Private Sewage Disposal Systems

    Building permits can be obtained through an accredited Alberta permit licensing agent. To find an accredited agent for this municipality please go here: and choose ‘Forty Mile No. 8, County of’.

    A development permit is not the same as a building permit. A development permit allows a specific type of development on a specific parcel of land in the community to proceed with the zoning and development bylaws of the County. A development permit may stipulate some of the following conditions: the allowed use of the property, intensity of that use, building height, building site coverage, setbacks from property lines and other buildings and parking requirements.

    A building permit allows construction of buildings or structure to proceed on condition of compliance with the Alberta Building Code which addresses building and fire safety. A building permit is required for the construction, alteration, repair, relocation, demolition, or change of use of a building. Farm accessory buildings, and non-hazardous accessory buildings under 100 square feet (10m2), are exempt. Building permits can be obtained through an accredited Alberta permit  licensing agent. To find an accredited agent for your municipality please go here:

  • Fee Schedule

     For a list of fees please click HERE


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